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TRAX ADV luggage system by ''SWMOTECH''

Here is finally the review of TRAX ADV SYSTEM BY SWMOTECH, it is undoubtedly the definitive luggage system of MAXIENDURO motorcycles! I have tried it so far with short trips but I will use it in the future for some crazy ideas that have come to my mind!

  • AESTHETICS: there is no question of aesthetics, an absolute masterpiece!

  • QUALITY / PRICE: the total price is high, we are talking about 1640euro that can scare you, but once you buy these bags you will no longer have the need to exchange them with others! The materials and finishes are truly the top!

  • INTUITIVENESS: all in all they are easy to assemble, in all it took me 3 hours (I'm a bit slow I know), I was able to test them in my everyday urban movements at the university and in the gym etc and they did not disappoint me, I also took them with me on the last lap in search of abandoned places and they kept my supplies and my photographic equipment safe!


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